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An introduction to the project

Hi! I'm Leah (Prime) and I'm a lifelong Art Bell fan.

We Own the Night: The Legacy of Art Bell & Coast to Coast AM is being built in public: first, for accountability to the community. Second, to share materials with people who may be interested in them now, rather than in a year (or three). Finally, I think it's instructive to show how big projects come together - from idea, to research, to delivery.

We Own the Night is a cross-media, multi-part initiative. When finished, it will include:

  1. An online research repository and archive

  2. A "book" (or selection of longform essays) on Art's influence, ranging from community-building on the early internet, to 1990s conspiracy culture, to collaborative community myth-making.

  3. Interviews with guests, colleagues, and others currently leading the conversations on similar subjects in 2022

Here is what the project is not:

  1. A nostalgia collection

  2. A gossip rag

If you're interested in connecting about the project - providing feedback, resources, materials, or just want to talk about Art - you can find me at or on Twitter @leahprime


PS. If you'd like to support this project, you can leave me a tip at Tips support hosting/platform fees, research tools, and assoc costs

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